• Join PCPA, a growing association of non-profit Christian publishers and publishing partners

    Helping publishers serve churches, faith-based organizations and God's people of all ages by providing visionary leadership through the ministry of Christian publishing.

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    2025 Annual Conference

    For 2025, PCPA and ACP (Association of Catholic Publishers) will be partnering in a joint conference for the first time ever!

    Join us for the event!

    Early Bird registration closes Monday, March 3!

    (save $60 to $100 per person!)

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    Join PCPA

    We are an international association of non-profit, Protestant denominational publishers and other non-profit Christian publishers who are creating resources for God's people whether sold to congregations, seminaries or other faith-based organizations or to individuals or families. These include ecumenical and Catholic publishing companies.

  • "PCPA is by far the best run and best value of any of the organizations we are members of. You set the bar that we expect the others to follow or exceed." 

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    David Hetherington,

    Vice President-Global Business Development, Books International

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    Member Resources

    PCPA offers a number of professional development opportunities to staff of our member companies.

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    Peer Groups

    Our Peer Groups – including curriculum, design, editiorial, and rights – are one of the most consistently praised aspects of PCPA membership.

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    Conference Photo Gallery

    Check out the photos from this year's conference in Hazelwood. Thank you for an amazing conference – see you nest spring!
